2nd Winter ISFA Photo Awards, 2023

International Salon of Photography


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Best Author Award: ISFA eHonorable Mention + $175 USD, Mr. Mohammad Reza MASOUMI, EFIAP (Iran)

e-HM is Honorable Mention Certificates (PDF certificate). e-certificates will not be posted. Entrants are responsible for downloading and printing their e-certificates.

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Awards (Click on the title to view photo)
ISFA Gold Medal+ $150 USDMASOUMI, Mohammad RezaIranFree ocean
Salon Gold MedalPANTAZIS, ChrisGreeceA dream lake 2
ISFA Silver MedalCHEN, ChidiTaiwanDazzling Coastline
Salon Silver MedalSEIDEL, KeithAustralia Landmannalaugar Patterns
ISFA Bronze MedalDAVOODI, HoseinIranJungle dream
IAAP Bronze MedalVU, Cuong, EFIAP_pViet NamAfternoon on the sea
Salon Bronze MedalPOURKHAN, AlirezaIranTowers in Clouds
ISFA RibbonHELALI, Hamid RezaIrantree
ISFA RibbonPOURKHAN, AlirezaIranNight View
IAAP RibbonBOTO, AndrePortugalNear the Sea
e-Honorable MentionBOTO, AndrePortugalAdraga Beach
e-Honorable MentionBRASSI, Monica MassimilianaItalyalpeggi
e-Honorable MentionBRASSI, Monica MassimilianaItalybright dawn
e-Honorable MentionFRANC, JosefCzechiaMoravian Tuscany 2
e-Honorable MentionGHASEMI BOJD, YasinIranRamin
e-Honorable MentionJAHANSOOZ, ShahramIranEagle Eyes
e-Honorable MentionMALEKZADEH, AminIranSlough 1
e-Honorable MentionMASOUMI, Mohammad RezaIranAsalem khalkhal forest
e-Honorable MentionPAPUGA, KrzysztofPolandWhite house
e-Honorable MentionPARANDAK, MiraliIranSablan peak
e-Honorable MentionVU, Cuong, EFIAP_pViet NamLadders in the clouds
e-Honorable MentionZHYLIN, OlegUkraineWinter silence
AHMADI KASHANI, PayamIranHirkani forests
BOTO, AndrePortugalAdraga Beach
BOTO, AndrePortugalBridge
BOTO, AndrePortugalNear the Sea
BRASSI, Monica MassimilianaItalyalpeggi
BRASSI, Monica MassimilianaItalybright dawn
CHAO, Ling JyiTaiwanGalaxy
CHEN, ChidiTaiwanBoar Family Rocks
CHEN, ChidiTaiwanDazzling Coastline
CHEN, ChidiTaiwanPicturesque Riverbed
CHEN, Don Yung ShungTaiwanEvening sunshine
CHEN, Don Yung ShungTaiwanMorning sun
DAVOODI, HoseinIranJungle dream
DE ROSA, LuigiItalysciara del fuoco
DEHGHAN, AminIranKhara Desert2
FRANC, JosefCzechiaMoravian Tuscany 2
GHASEMI BOJD, YasinIranRamin
HASANVAND, MojtabaIranestakhrgah
HASANVAND, MojtabaIrangood morning
HELALI, Hamid RezaIransnow
HELALI, Hamid RezaIrantree
HELALI, Hamid RezaIranwater
JAHANSOOZ, ShahramIranEagle Eyes
JAHANSOOZ, ShahramIranJumeirah
JAHANSOOZ, ShahramIranZirab
KASPERCZYK, MichalPolandTatra Mountains
KESHISHIAN, ArlenIranDarreh Khazineh
KESHISHIAN, ArlenIranDreamland
MAALEKI, PardisIranGlamorous Desert
MALEKZADEH, AminIranSlough 1
MALEKZADEH, AminIranTree River
MASOUMI, Mohammad RezaIranAsalem khalkhal forest
MASOUMI, Mohammad RezaIranFree ocean
MASOUMI, Mohammad RezaIranShahdad at night
MASOUMI, Mohammad RezaIranStar valley
PANTAZIS, ChrisGreeceA dream lake 2
PANTAZIS, ChrisGreeceMount Giona
PANTAZIS, ChrisGreeceThe sound of silence 20
PANTAZIS, ChrisGreeceThe storm is coming
PANTAZIS, ChrisGreeceWetland
PAPUGA, KrzysztofPolandWhite house
PARANDAK, MiraliIranSablan peak
PARANDAK, MiraliIranTriangle Swamp
PETOCZ, TamasHungaryAutumn sheet music
PETOCZ, TamasHungaryDreaming oxbow
PETOCZ, TamasHungarySummer scent
POURIAN, MohammadrezaIranbest point opera house sydney
POURKHAN, AlirezaIrananother morning
POURKHAN, AlirezaIranNight View
POURKHAN, AlirezaIranoverwhelmed by clouds
POURKHAN, AlirezaIranTowers in Clouds
SEIDEL, KeithAustralia Landmannalaugar Patterns
SEIDEL, KeithAustraliaVolcanic Remnant
SOUJOL, Jean PaulFrancejpsoujol nudity of light
VU, Cuong, EFIAP_pViet NamAfternoon on the sea
VU, Cuong, EFIAP_pViet NamLadders in the clouds
VU, Cuong, EFIAP_pViet NamPasses mountains and clouds
VU, Cuong, EFIAP_pViet NamPicture of the homeland 2
WILLEMS, JohanBelgiumFotowedstrijd 2017
YOUSEFI, AbolfathIrankhaled
YOUSEFI KEYSARI, AmirhosseinIranKolza
YOUSEFI KEYSARI, AmirhosseinIranWet desert
ZHYLIN, OlegUkraineWinter silence