2nd Ontario Photo Salon, 2024

International Salon of Photography


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Best Author Award FIAP light Blue Badge, Mr. Nguyen VAN HAI , AFIAP, Viet Nam

e-HM is Honorable Mention Certificates (PDF certificate). e-certificates will not be posted. Entrants are responsible for downloading and printing their e-certificates

According to the psa rules, we can only give awards to 10% of acceptances. Therefore, in some sections, unfortunately, we had to give a smaller number of prizes because there were not enough photos, and the acceptance limit is 25%.

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Awards (Click on the title to view photo)
FIAP Gold MedalKUZMINA, Olga, AFIAPUnited States of America (the)Spring still life
PSA Gold MedalSVIRIDOV, Alexander, AFIAPCanadaTools
ISFA RibbonGOODE, Bob, EFIAP_gUnited KingdomEgg with Bottle
FIAP RibbonBOSWELL, BillCanadaSpheres and Steel
FIAP RibbonNABZDYK, IwonaPolanddandelions
e-Honorable MentionBALKEN, MarcelNetherlands (the)Rock composition
e-Honorable MentionVAN HAI, Nguyen, AFIAPViet NamStill life 1
BAIS, Durgesh Nandini, AFIAPIndiaCurves in black 9M2A6200
BAIS, Durgesh Nandini, AFIAPIndiaWaves in Forms M2A5964
BALKEN, MarcelNetherlands (the)Peerstill
BALKEN, MarcelNetherlands (the)Rock composition
BIAGI, Roberto, EFIAP_bItalyComposizione 11
BIAGI, Roberto, EFIAP_bItalyComposizione 71
BLAGOJEVIC, Borislav, AFIAPSerbiaHeads High
BLAGOJEVIC, Borislav, AFIAPSerbiaMetal Nightscape
BLAGOJEVIC, Borislav, AFIAPSerbiaShapes and tones 1
BONACCORSI, ClaudioItalyStill life n 2
BOSWELL, BillCanadaCanon Elan
BOSWELL, BillCanadaSpheres and Steel
BUGLI, Pietro, EFIAP_d3ItalyStill life with cedar
BUSHE, Catherine, EFIAP_d2IrelandCracked
BUSHE, Catherine, EFIAP_d2IrelandHarmony
BUSHE, Catherine, EFIAP_d2IrelandPoise
CALIN, RucsandraRomaniaBoule de neige
CALIN, RucsandraRomaniaDucks and geese BW
CALIN, RucsandraRomaniaFamily memories BW
CALIN, RucsandraRomaniaStill life BW
COLOMBO, Roberto, EFIAPItalyMinimal Glass, tray and drop 1
DUPOUY, Michel, EFIAP_gFranceFfishes
DUPOUY, Michel, EFIAP_gFranceLong ago
GOODE, Bob, EFIAP_gUnited KingdomEgg and Spoon
GOODE, Bob, EFIAP_gUnited KingdomEgg with Bottle
HANSEN, Bjarne, EFIAP_sDenmarkStaircase with shadow
JOWITT, Dave, EFIAP_bUnited KingdomTime for Tea
KONTAR, Csaba, AFIAPHungaryLines and the sphere
KREDO, Tom, PPSAUnited States of America (the)One of a Kind
KUZMINA, Olga, AFIAPUnited States of America (the)Spring still life
KUZMINA, Olga, AFIAPUnited States of America (the)Still life with bottles
LI, XiaoqingChinaCutlery can also make beautiful sou
LI, XiaoqingChinamelodic 1
LIVINGSTONE, BrianNew Zealandegg and forks
LIVINGSTONE, BrianNew Zealandlines and curves
MARTIC, NenadCroatiaGolden balloon
MARTIC, NenadCroatiaProtection vase
MOEINIFAR, FatemehIranpersian art
NABZDYK, IwonaPolanddandelions
NABZDYK, IwonaPolandindividualist
NABZDYK, IwonaPolandstill life with physalis
PARANDAK, MiraliIranFalling marbles
PARRISH, StevenUnited KingdomFuzzy Sharp
PARRISH, StevenUnited KingdomGozo Vase
PRENTON JONES, Robert, EFIAP_d1United KingdomChrysanthemum
PRENTON JONES, Robert, EFIAP_d1United KingdomCurly Pot
PRENTON JONES, Robert, EFIAP_d1United KingdomElegance
PRENTON JONES, Robert, EFIAP_d1United KingdomThe Three Sisters
SAMETI, Asghar, EFIAP_bUnited States of America (the)The door
SCUBLI, Mariana, GPU__Aphrodite,AFIAPRomaniaBooks
SCUBLI, Mariana, GPU__Aphrodite,AFIAPRomaniaDandelion
SMITH, Pete, EFIAP_bUnited KingdomPots and Flowers
SMITH, Pete, EFIAP_bUnited KingdomWine 2
SVIRIDOV, Alexander, AFIAPCanadaCity
SVIRIDOV, Alexander, AFIAPCanadaPyramid
SVIRIDOV, Alexander, AFIAPCanadaShelves
SVIRIDOV, Alexander, AFIAPCanadaTools
SZCZERBANIEWICZ, Jacek, AFIAPPolandBlack tulip
TOTH, SzabolcsHungaryPeace
TOTH, SzabolcsHungaryPear shapes
TOTH, SzabolcsHungaryWater and pears
TULUCE, Ahmet, EFIAPTurkeyTurkish Raki
VAN HAI, Nguyen, AFIAPViet NamHearts
VAN HAI, Nguyen, AFIAPViet NamStill life 1