2nd Winter ISFA Photo Awards, 2023

International Salon of Photography


Closing: 14 Feb, 2023
Judging: 06 Mar, 2023
Publish Results: 13 Mar, 2023
Publish PDF Catalog: 05 Jun, 2022
Delivery Award: 15 Jun, 2023
Our seasonal photography contests are held to improve the quality of art. In each season, we choose different genres and you can participate in them.
Creating a work of art has at least two purposes. One is to satisfy the inner sense of the creator of the work and the other is to be seen. Every year, many exhibitions and competitions are held all over the world, and as photographers, every time we participate in one of these events, we present our inner sense and also compete with others. To know if we are close to our mental goal or not. The value of a work is not ultimately about winning, but it can guide us to be better.


International Society of Fine Art (ISFA)

1. Open Monochrome (Only Monochrome)
2. Birds (Color/Grayscale Monochrome)
3. Landscape (Color/Grayscale Monochrome)
4. People (Color/Grayscale Monochrome)
Each entrant may submit a maximum of (8) images in each of the (4) sections.

Total of $775 USD cash Prizes and 89 Awards!

Best Author Award: + $175 USD

21 Awards in Each Section:

ISFA Gold Medal (+ $150 USD)

Salon Gold Medal

ISFA Silver Medal

Salon Silver Medal

ISFA Bronze Medal

Salon Bronze Medal

2 ISFA Ribbon

IAAP Ribbon

12 e-HM

Section 1:

IAAP Silver Medal

Section 2:

IAAP Gold Medal

Section 3:

IAAP Bronze Medal

Section 4:

ISFA Bronze Medal

e-HM is Honorable Mention Certificates (PDF certificate). e-certificates will not be posted. Entrants are responsible for downloading and printing their e-certificates.

All awards include a free online gallery for 3 months on www.IsOfArt.com (medals up to 25 photos, others 15 photos)
Certificate of Acceptance: PDF Catalogue & Certificate of Acceptance/Award is downloadable from the site.

Entry fee is mandatory for every participant.

Single Entrants:

  • 1 Photo: $9 USD
  • 2-3 Photos: $14 USD
  • 4-5 Photos: $22 USD
  • 6-7 Photos: $28 USD
  • 8-9 Photos: $34 USD
  • 10-11 Photos: $39 USD
  • 12+ Photos: $45 USD

Group/Club Entries - Discount Rates (% of Total Fee)

  • 4-8 Entrants: 5%
  • 9-12 Entrants: 10%
  • 13+ Entrants: 15%

Entry fee can be paid with PayPal through our web site. Login and go to “Pay Entry Fee” in the menu.

After registration, it is not possible to cancel participation in the contest or return the registration fee.

non payment of fees Entries for which no fee is received will not be judged.
Number: Maximum (8) photos per section - Maximum (16) photos in all sections
Size: Maximum Size: 2 Mb (2048 Kb)
Dimensions: maximum vertical side: 1080 px and Maximum Horizontal side: 1920 px
Border: DO NOT fill empty space with/or add large borders. Any borders should be no greater than 2 pixels wide.
File Format: All files must be submitted in JPEG format. It is recommended to use the RGB color space. Smaller photos are acceptable but will appear smaller on the screen and may take less score. Please check the size and dimensionsof all files before sending, files that do not match the rules will not be uploaded.
File Naming: Files must be renamed to the photo title when submitting an entry. However, the titles should appear on the entry form as you wish them to appear in the catalogue.
Photo Title: Each image must have a unique title. That unique title must be used for entry of that image or of an Identical Image into any and all PSA-Recognized and all our exhibitions. Titles must be 35 characters or fewer. No titles may be visible to the judges, and nothing in the image may identify the maker. Titles must not include file extensions such as .jpg or .jpeg (or any other camera capture filenames such as DSC_025), or words such as "untitled" or "no title". Titles can not consist solely of numbers.
All sections:
- Mr. Djordje Vukicevic (EFIAP/d3, HonEFIAP ), Serbia
- Mr. Reha Bilir (Hon.EFIAP, ESFIAP), Turkey
- Mr. Saeid Arabzadeh (EFIAP), France
Entry is open to all photographers, amateur and professional.
Submission: Images and a completed entry form must be submitted on line using the exhibition website. Entrants MUST use only the English alphabet A-Z when submitting an entry. Don’t use special characters such as - _ ! ? & @ ....
Notice: When an entrant fills in the Entry Form to submit an entry, the entrant will see a feature to affirm he or she has read these Conditions of Entry when he or she fills out the entry form. If the entrant does not so affirm the entry will not be submitted.
Disputes: In any case of dispute regarding compliance with the Conditions of Entry, payment of fees or matters pertaining to an image (such as receipt, acceptance, compliance, score or award), the decision of the organizers and judges to accept your application (or not) will be final. Violations and perceived violations of the Conditions of Entry may be reported to the various accreditation bodies and may result in a declination of your application to have your images included in this and other exhibitions.
Entry Requirements: This event is open to anyone; however, an entry may be rejected when the Sponsor or the Event Organizers, in their reasonable discretion, believes the entry does not conform to event rules and these Conditions of Entry. Membership in any photographic organization or other is not required.
Online PDF Catalog downloadable from the result page. 05 Jun, 2022


A landscape photograph is broad and may include rural or urban settings, industrial areas, or nature photography. It commonly involves photography of natural features of land, sky and waters, at a distance, though some landscapes may involve subjects in a scenic setting nearby, even close-up. Only color images are allowed in this section.


An image is considered to be Monochrome only if it gives the impression of having no color (i.e. contains only shades of grey which can include pure black and pure white) OR it gives the impression of being a greyscale image that has been toned in one color across the entire image. (For example, by sepia, red, gold, etc.) A greyscale or multi-colored image modified or giving the impression of having been modified by partial toning, multi-toning or by the inclusion of spot coloring does not meet the definition of monochrome and shall be classified as a Color Work.
Attention is drawn to the PSA Statement on Subject Matter which applies to all sections.

E-mail: SupportISofArt.com
Last Update:08 Feb, 2023