2nd Ontario Photo Salon, 2024

International Salon of Photography


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Best Author Award FIAP light Blue Badge, Mr. Nguyen VAN HAI , AFIAP, Viet Nam

e-HM is Honorable Mention Certificates (PDF certificate). e-certificates will not be posted. Entrants are responsible for downloading and printing their e-certificates

According to the psa rules, we can only give awards to 10% of acceptances. Therefore, in some sections, unfortunately, we had to give a smaller number of prizes because there were not enough photos, and the acceptance limit is 25%.

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Awards (Click on the title to view photo)
ISFA Gold MedalLI, Min, ChinaThe vein of Earth5
FIAP Gold MedalSCHRITTWIESER, JohannAustriaPragser Wildsee
PSA Gold MedalVAN HAI, Nguyen, AFIAPViet NamMaple forest in the season of chang
ISFA Silver MedalMUHTASIB, Mohammed, Saudi ArabiaDancing trees 3
ISFA Bronze MedalJIAO, Shengfu, ChinaDream camel bell
ISFA RibbonCHOW, DavidIndonesiaBromo in the morning
FIAP RibbonARABZADEH, Saeid, EFIAPFranceDesert
FIAP RibbonROBERTSON, GeorgeScotlandFalls on the River Etive
e-Honorable MentionEVDOKIMOV, Emiliyan, AFIAPBulgariaAutumn whisper
e-Honorable MentionKWAN, Phillip, EFIAP, GMPSA_P, GPSACanadaDown the Wave adj
e-Honorable MentionLEONG, Im Kai, EFIAP_b, EPSAMacaoPagoda 2
e-Honorable MentionMACKAY, Helen, AFIAPUnited KingdomBow Fiddle Rock
e-Honorable MentionSTUPPAZZONI, Paolo, EFIAP_b,PPSAItalyCastelluccio Fermata Paradiso 6
e-Honorable MentionTHALLER, BerndAustriaAurora
e-Honorable MentionYE, Wei, GMPSAChinaDevil Eye
e-Honorable MentionZENG, Jiahong, GMPSA,EFIAPUnited States of America (the)Golden Gate Bridge in Fog
ADAMSON, David, EFIAP_pUnited KingdomHarvest Home
AKHTER, Rowshan, EFIAP_d2United States of America (the)Ulun Danu Temple 1886
ALCAZAR OJEDA, Antonio, EFIAPSpainMinas de Rio Tinto
ARABZADEH, Saeid, EFIAPFranceDesert
ARABZADEH, Saeid, EFIAPFranceDream
ARABZADEH, Saeid, EFIAPFranceFire In Desert
BAIS, Durgesh Nandini, AFIAPIndiaBeautiful Steps to Heaven 9M2A1041
BALFE, Paul, AFIAPAustraliaLake Pamamaroo
BALKEN, MarcelNetherlands (the)Mountainlandscape3
BALKEN, MarcelNetherlands (the)Tatacoa desert7
BENTLEY, RobUnited KingdomButtermere Cascades
BENTLEY, RobUnited KingdomThe Trees Across The Lake
BENTLEY, RobUnited KingdomThree Shires Falls
BENTLEY, RobUnited KingdomWhere The Three Shires Meet
BLEYS, Rene, AFIAPBelgiumBaobab Road
BOROJEVIC, Nenad, EFIAP_bSerbiaSpik
BOROJEVIC, Nenad, EFIAP_bSerbiaVillage
BOSWELL, BillCanadaDays End at the Tetons
BUGLI, Pietro, EFIAP_d3ItalyKnights in Castelluccio 1
CALIN, RucsandraRomaniaEnchantment in white
CALIN, RucsandraRomaniaOn a hilltop
CATANIA, GottfriedMaltaBled Castle 2
CHANG, Ming HsuanTaiwanBromo 3094
CHANG, Ming HsuanTaiwanBromo 3151
CHIU, Bob, GMPSA,EFIAP_sUnited States of America (the)Rock view in Utah33
CHIU, Bob, GMPSA,EFIAP_sUnited States of America (the)Spokane landscape24
CHOW, DavidIndonesiaBromo in the morning
CHOW, DavidIndonesiaPanorama amazing view
ENGLISH, Ian, EFIAP_d1AustraliaSunrise fog
ER, Fikriye, EFIAP_p,PPSA,GPU__CR2TurkeyVan 33
EROL, HamzaTurkeyNevsehir uchisar
ERTAS, Fatih, AFIAPTurkeybastions
ERTAS, Fatih, AFIAPTurkeynarman fairy chimneys
EVDOKIMOV, Emiliyan, AFIAPBulgariaAutumn whisper
GLEESON, William, EFIAP,PPSAIrelandView From Doyle Fort Gurnsey
GRETHEN, Jean Jacques, EFIAP_bLuxembourgDaragandir
GUMUS, Muhammet Musab, Turkeysisler icinde
HABRINGER, Wolfgang, AFIAPAustriaAnapausas 90
HABRINGER, Wolfgang, AFIAPAustriaMeteora 05
HABRINGER, Wolfgang, AFIAPAustriaSolitude 33a
HARDY, James, AFIAPUnited KingdomTree at Wanaka
HARLEY, Bruce, EFIAP_bScotlandFairy Pools and the Black Cuillins
HEIDARI, TalebIranMaraxel Planetrees
HEIDARI, TalebIranSalas Springroad
HEIDARI, TalebIranZlan Snowroad
HERRMANN, AndreasSwitzerlandA star of water
HERRMANN, AndreasSwitzerlandSunshine in the plain
JIAO, Shengfu, ChinaDream camel bell
JIAO, Shengfu, ChinaEvening
JIAO, Shengfu, ChinaRun to the water edge
JIAO, Shengfu, ChinaSilence
JOZWIAK, Maciej, EFIAPPolandMiracle river
JOZWIAK, Maciej, EFIAPPolandSummer river
JOZWIAK, Maciej, EFIAPPolandThe green island
JOZWIAK, Maciej, EFIAPPolandWild Ice River
KONTAR, Csaba, AFIAPHungaryMorning mist
KUZMINA, Olga, AFIAPUnited States of America (the)Frosty morning on the river
KUZMINA, Olga, AFIAPUnited States of America (the)Snow fairy tale
KWAN, Phillip, EFIAP, GMPSA_P, GPSACanadaAurora Over Mountain 8
KWAN, Phillip, EFIAP, GMPSA_P, GPSACanadaDown the Wave adj
KWAN, Phillip, EFIAP, GMPSA_P, GPSACanadaLake Reflection 50
LEONG, Im Kai, EFIAP_b, EPSAMacaoMacau Scene 31
LEONG, Im Kai, EFIAP_b, EPSAMacaoMacau Scene 32
LEONG, Im Kai, EFIAP_b, EPSAMacaoMacau Scene 35
LEONG, Im Kai, EFIAP_b, EPSAMacaoPagoda 2
LI, Min, ChinaHarmony
LI, Min, ChinaSoar into the Sky
LI, Min, ChinaThe vein of Earth5
LIN, Wolfgang, GMPSA_bHong KongWatery Town 02
LYON, David, EFIAP_pUnited KingdomDurdle Door
LYON, David, EFIAP_pUnited KingdomThe moonlit sphinx observatory
MACKAY, Helen, AFIAPUnited KingdomBow Fiddle Rock
MACKAY, Helen, AFIAPUnited KingdomHigh Tide at Cobbolds Point
MAUKO, Daniel, EFIAPSloveniaEvening idyll
MAUKO, Daniel, EFIAPSloveniaPath along the tree
MCNAUGHTON, Alex, AFIAPScotlandLoch Lomond
MCNAUGHTON, Alex, AFIAPScotlandScotland in Winter
MCNAUGHTON, Alex, AFIAPScotlandSpring Sunrise
MCVIE, John, EFIAPScotlandFog Over the Rice Paddies
MUHTASIB, Mohammed, Saudi ArabiaDancing trees 3
MUHTASIB, Mohammed, Saudi ArabiaDancing trees 4
MUHTASIB, Mohammed, Saudi ArabiaDancing trees 5
MYSORE, Anitha, EFIAP_p, MPSA, GPU__CR4IndiaLandscape poetry
NABZDYK, IwonaPolandBelchatow
NABZDYK, IwonaPolandGreen Roztocze
NABZDYK, IwonaPolandNature reserve. Blue springs
NGUYEN, HaiViet Nam3W2A7719
NGUYEN, HaiViet NamDJI 0313
NGUYEN, HaiViet NamDJI 20240416021725 0565 D
NGUYEN, Minh, United States of America (the)B Cloud
OLSEN, Asbjorn M, EFIAP,MPSANorwayMrauk U
PAUL, Helmut, EFIAPGermanyAlpe di Siusi 2
PAUL, Helmut, EFIAPGermanyHorseshoe Bend
PETTAZZI, Claudio, AFIAP,GPU__CR3,EPSAItalyMachu Picchu
PRENTON JONES, Robert, EFIAP_d1United KingdomBorrowdale Mill
PRENTON JONES, Robert, EFIAP_d1United KingdomThe Lone tree Lanberis
PUOSI, Antonio, AFIAPItalyPamukkale
RADICANIN, Zvonko, EFIAP_d2CroatiaAlpine Idyll
RADICANIN, Zvonko, EFIAP_d2CroatiaSeceda
RADICANIN, Zvonko, EFIAP_d2CroatiaTre Cime
ROBERTS, Lillian, EFIAP_b,GMPSA_bUnited States of America (the)Deadflei Scene 01
ROBERTS, Lillian, EFIAP_b,GMPSA_bUnited States of America (the)Evening Dune Scene Sossus 01
ROBERTS, Lillian, EFIAP_b,GMPSA_bUnited States of America (the)Sunrise w Acacia Tree
ROBERTSON, GeorgeScotlandDawn at Lochan na h Achlaise
ROBERTSON, GeorgeScotlandFalls on the River Etive
ROBERTSON, GeorgeScotlandGlacial River
ROJKO, MiranSloveniaBushes in the sand
ROJKO, MiranSloveniaSolitary tree
ROUSSAK, JeremyUnited Kingdomdevil's teeth
ROUSSAK, JeremyUnited Kingdomvestrahorn curve
SABET GHADAM MOGHADAM, SaeedIranshahrekord1
SAMETI, Asghar, EFIAP_bUnited States of America (the)Desert fish
SAMETI, Asghar, EFIAP_bUnited States of America (the)Minehaha falls
SCHMIDT, Kruno, EFIAPGermanyDark clouds over the peaks
SCHMIDT, Kruno, EFIAPGermanyDiamond Beach VII
SCHMIDT, Kruno, EFIAPGermanyDolomites in late autumn sun
SCHMIDT, Kruno, EFIAPGermanyHighland lake
SCHRITTWIESER, JohannAustriaendlose Duenen
SCHRITTWIESER, JohannAustriaPragser Wildsee
SENSER, Norbert, EFIAP_bGermanyAllee am Abend
SENSER, Norbert, EFIAP_bGermanyNovember in Umbrien
SHOKRI, NaserIranfog and flowers
SMITH, Pete, EFIAP_bUnited KingdomSpirit Island
STAN, ValentinaRomaniaMont Saint Michel
STEVENS, Mark, EFIAP_bAustraliaAlp Di Susi
STEVENS, Mark, EFIAP_bAustraliaFedera
STEVENS, Mark, EFIAP_bAustraliaLavaredo
STEVENS, Mark, EFIAP_bAustraliaMungo2
STOSIC, Maja, EFIAP, MF FSSSerbiaSveti Ilija
STUPPAZZONI, Paolo, EFIAP_b,PPSAItalyCastelluccio Fermata Paradiso 6
SUGRUE, Teddy, EFIAP_gIrelandButtermere Reflection
SWART, Pieter, EFIAPSouth AfricaThe Solid Rock
THALLER, BerndAustriaAurora
THALLER, BerndAustriaForces of Erosion
THALLER, BerndAustriaOlstinden at Sunrise
THALLER, BerndAustriaStorm over Lake Maligne
TULUCE, Ahmet, EFIAPTurkeyFoggy Valley
VAN HAI, Nguyen, AFIAPViet NamBinh Minh Ru Cha
VAN HAI, Nguyen, AFIAPViet NamExplorer Tien cave
VAN HAI, Nguyen, AFIAPViet NamMaple forest in the season of chang
VAN HAI, Nguyen, AFIAPViet NamTerraces
WARD, CliveUnited KingdomBuachaille Etive Mor
WHEELER, David, EFIAP_d3, MFIAPUnited KingdomClouds over Vestrahorn
WHEELER, David, EFIAP_d3, MFIAPUnited KingdomStorm at Vik
YE, Wei, GMPSAChinaDevil Eye
YE, Wei, GMPSAChinaSri Lanka Ecological Lake
YILDIRIM, YildiranTurkeyTraces of Shadows
YU, Zhong AnChinaSong of the Sun
ZENG, Jiahong, GMPSA,EFIAPUnited States of America (the)Baybridge San Francisco
ZENG, Jiahong, GMPSA,EFIAPUnited States of America (the)Golden Gate Bridge in Fog
ZENG, Jiahong, GMPSA,EFIAPUnited States of America (the)White Pocket
ZHYLIN, OlegUkraineCarpathian plateau
ZHYLIN, OlegUkraineCourage 1